Zend Framework Development

Zend Framework Development

Zend is one of the best open source web application framework which has a brilliant architecture to meet the needs of complicated projects. It is a popular PHP 5 framework where it is termed as a straightforward application for its increased flexibility. There are several channels to support the zend programmer and developer in many ways. Zend uses proven and object oriented patterns for designing

Our Expert Zend Development team has the ease to use its functions in a simplified way. The developers use it as a component library where the components are decoupled to the maximum. Only a few depend on other components and the number of components are growing. Zend also provides MVC components and the Zend developer commits less errors because the developer needs to write the least amount of codes. The only requirement is PHP and Zend becomes an easy tool to use. Zend can be used for writing CLI scripts and the documentation is exhaustive.

Zend Framework features include

  • All components are fully object-oriented PHP 5 and are E_STRICT compliant
  • Use-at-will architecture with loosely coupled components and minimal interdependencies
  • Extensible MVC implementation supporting layouts and PHP-based templates by default
  • Support for multiple database systems and vendors, including MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Informix Dynamic Server
  • Email composition and delivery, retrieval via mbox, Maildir, POP3 and IMAP4
  • Flexible caching sub-system with support for many types of backends, such as memory or a file system.


  • Custom Zend web application development
  • Zend consulting
  • Zend Website Development
  • Zend module and zend plugin development
  • Support and maintenance
  • Hire Dedicated Zend Developers